Privacy Statement Cloud software

Nieuwegein, Augustus 26th, 2022

GOconnectIT B.V. processes personal and other data in accordance with applicable law and regulations. By means of this Privacy Statement we explain why and how we collect and process your data.

About us

GOconnectIT B.V. is located at the Fultonbaan 52, 3439NE in Nieuwegein.
This Privacy Statement applies to all our processing of personal data within the GOconnectIT Cloud, GO MapForms Cloud ("GMF App"), GO InfraMaps, GO WIBON and the Klic App Cloud ("Klic App" and "Klic App Pro"), GO FiberConnect, GO Appeee, GO WorkFlow, as well as requesting a Klic report/ notification on the website If you have any questions or comments regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us:
This policy only relates to the processing of personal data that we collect through our Cloud software. For the processing of personal data that we obtain through other services or visiting our website, please refer to the relevant agreements or the Privacy Statement on our website.

How do we collect personal data?

GOconnectIT treats personal data confidentially and carefully. GOconnectIT collects personal data when registering in the platform (the GOconnectIT Cloud, GO InfraMaps, GO WIBON, GO FiberConnect, GO Appeee and GO Workflow) or registering at (creating an account), requesting a KLIC report/ notification (while using the customer’s account) at the Kadaster or collecting and returning work orders in DSP and Synfra, or when you request information, ask a question, contact the Servicedesk or contact us in a different way.

The information we collect

GOconnectIT collects contact information such as name, address, phone number, email address and information related to previous orders. We also register when and regarding what we have had contact. For example, when you ask a question to our Servicedesk. In addition we collect your account details from the Kadaster to request KLIC reports/ notifications for you. In some cases we also process your login data with DSP and Synfra to collect work orders for you as a customer and return them with the requested information.
In addition to the personal information you provide, GOconnectIT may collect, record and process additional personal data about your use of our applications. This concerns data about the device or equipment used by you, such as a unique device ID, your (mobile) operating system, settings of the device, IP address, Cookie ID as well as data about the use of our applications, such as the time of day you visit us and the topics you view. The response (open and clicks) to our emails are also recorded on an individual level.

Why do we process personal data?

GOconnectIT processes personal data in order to be able to execute the use of the platform or the applications in accordance with the agreement and to create an account. We store data for our Servicedesk, for example to be able to answer questions. Based on the insights we gain from the use and visit of our platform and applications and with the help of questions and reports to the Servicedesk, we analyze and improve our services. Personal data (such as account information and work orders) can also be used to develop and test new products. In some cases personal data is also processed to keep you informed about our services and activities. You can register for this separately and unsubscribe at any time. GOconnectIT never provides your information to third parties for commercial use.

Legal grounds for processing personal data

As explained above, we process some data for the execution of an agreement (such as your account or contact information) and some data with your consent (for example, online tracking methods or sending newsletters).

Rights of data subjects

Under de GDPR everyone has a number of rights. To exercise your rights you can contact us at

In addition, you can also:

Storage period

GOconnectIT does not keep personal data longer than necessary.

How does GOconnectIT protect your data?

GOconnectIT is ISO 27001 certified. To the extend that we engage third parties in the performance of our services and they process personal data, they do so in the capacity of processor for GOconnectIT.
GOconnectIT has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your data is only used for the purpose for which the third party is engaged. The service provider only receives the necessary information and are obliged to protect your personal data.


Some of our services require us to use so-called cookies. Cookies are small data files that an internet browser stores on your computer. Information about your visit to our website can be stored in cookies. Most browsers are default set to accept cookies. You can configure your browser to reject cookies or request prior confirmation. However, if you reject cookies, it may cause some of our functions to malfunction.